Q. At our workplace we make salaah in Jamaat. In some instances we did not make the adhaan but only iqamah. Please advise if adhaan should be made for all salaahs?
(There may be grammatical and spelling errors in the above question. Questions are published as received)
A. If you are praying Salaah in Jama’ah and the Azaan has already been called out in the area of your work place (eg; there is a Musjid or Musalla in the same suburb and the Azaan has already been called out there), it will not be necessary to call out the Azaan at your work place. Thus, if you had prayed Salaah after calling out only the Iqamah, the Salaah will be valid. Nevertheless, it is better to call out both the Azaan and the Iqamah before commencing the Salaah. (al-Mabsoot, Vol: 1, Pg: 133)
قال (فإن صلى رجل في بيته فاكتفى بأذان الناس وإقامتهم أجزأه) لما روي أن ابن مسعود - رضي الله تعالى عنه - صلى بعلقمة والأسود في بيت فقيل له ألا تؤذن فقال أذان الحي يكفينا قال وإن أذن وأقام فهو حسن
If the Azaan has not been called out in the area of your work place, it will be necessary to call out the Azaan and the Iqamah before commencing Salaah.
There is no Azaan or Iqamah prescribed for females. (al-Mabsoot, Vol: 1, Pg: 133)
قال وليس على النساء أذان ولا إقامة لأنهما سنة الصلاة بالجماعة وجماعتهن منسوخة لما في اجتماعهن من الفتنة
And Allah Knows Best
Fatwa Department
Jamiatul Ulama (KZN)
Council of Muslim Theologians
(There may be grammatical and spelling errors in the above question. Questions are published as received)
A. If you are praying Salaah in Jama’ah and the Azaan has already been called out in the area of your work place (eg; there is a Musjid or Musalla in the same suburb and the Azaan has already been called out there), it will not be necessary to call out the Azaan at your work place. Thus, if you had prayed Salaah after calling out only the Iqamah, the Salaah will be valid. Nevertheless, it is better to call out both the Azaan and the Iqamah before commencing the Salaah. (al-Mabsoot, Vol: 1, Pg: 133)
قال (فإن صلى رجل في بيته فاكتفى بأذان الناس وإقامتهم أجزأه) لما روي أن ابن مسعود - رضي الله تعالى عنه - صلى بعلقمة والأسود في بيت فقيل له ألا تؤذن فقال أذان الحي يكفينا قال وإن أذن وأقام فهو حسن
If the Azaan has not been called out in the area of your work place, it will be necessary to call out the Azaan and the Iqamah before commencing Salaah.
There is no Azaan or Iqamah prescribed for females. (al-Mabsoot, Vol: 1, Pg: 133)
قال وليس على النساء أذان ولا إقامة لأنهما سنة الصلاة بالجماعة وجماعتهن منسوخة لما في اجتماعهن من الفتنة
And Allah Knows Best
Fatwa Department
Jamiatul Ulama (KZN)
Council of Muslim Theologians