In the blessed month of Ramadan people try there best to attend the Taraweeh Salaah and they should also do the same with Tahajjud Salaah during Ramadan since both of them are separate and are not the same. Some people claim that they are the same but that is not the truth and in this post we will see some of the daleel that they are both separate from one another. 1 –Hadhrat Umar Al Farooq Rdh. Al Mutawaffa 23 Hij. Hadhrat Ameer ul Momineen Umar bin Khattab Rdh. Al Mutawaffa 23 Hij. says: The prayer for which you sleep (meaning Tahajjud) is Afzal (better) than the one for which you are doing Qayyam (meaning Taraweeh) (Saheeh Bukhari : Hadith No. 2010) Hadhrat Umar Rdh. is encouraging us to offer Tahajjud as well after Taraweeh, since it is a permanent prayer. This is the reason that the Muhaddiseen have classified Taraweeh and Tahajjud separately and have also stated it very clearly. a. - Imam Abul Wali Sulaimaan al Baaji al Qurtubi Rh. Al Mutawaffa 474 Hij. Says about the saying of Hadhrat Umar Rdh. that the Qiyaam in the later part of the night is superior (Afzal) then the part of night in which Qiyaam was before it. (Al Muntaqa Lil Baaji : Volume 1 : Page 208) So we learn that there is Qiyaam in the night after Taraweeh as well. b. – Imam Ibn Battaal Rh. Al Mutawaffa 449 Hij. (While listing the Qiyaam and its superiority in the two parts of the night) says: The Qiyaam in the later / last part of the night (Tahajjud) is superior (Afzal) because Allah comes closer to us and this is time when our Duas are accepted. (Sharah Saheeh Bukhari Li Ibn Battal : Volume 4 : Page 147) c. – Imam Ibn Hajar Asqalaani Rh. Al Mutawaffa 852 Hij. says regarding the saying of Hadhrat Umar Rdh. - Most likely the Salaah prayed in the last part of the night (Tahajjud) is superior (afzal), then from the one which is prayed earlier (Taraweeh). (Fathul Baari : Volume 4 : Page 253) d. – Imam Aaini Rh. Al Mutawaffa 855 Hij. also states the same regarding this. (Umdatul Qaari : Volume 11 : Page 126) e. – Imam As-Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilaani Rh. Al Mutawaffa 561 Hij. also states regarding Hadhrat Umar Rdh. statement that - due to this saying its better and obvious to pray Tahajjud after one has prayed Taraweeh. (Ghuniyatut Taalibeen : Page 269) f. – Imam Ibn ul Haaj Rh. Al Mutawaffa 737 Hij. (Regarding him Scholars have called him Muhaddis, Saaleh, Faqi, Aarif, etc ) says that According to the statement of Hadhrat Umar Rdh. he is not saying it to the Sahaba, but to other people because Sahaaba use to get the maximum from both; meaning taraweeh in the first part of the night and Tahajjud in the last part of the night. [Zail ut Taqeed : Volume 1 : Page 258, Ad-dibaajul Muhazzab : Volume 2 : Page 321, Husn ul Muhaazera Lis Suyuti : Volume 1 : Page 459, Al A’alam Lis Zirkali : Volume 6 : Page 23]) (Al Madhkal Li Ibn ul Haaj : Volume 2 : Page 291) So Hadhrat Umar Rdh. is persuading to offer Tahajjud after Taraweeh which clearly shows that he looks at both of them as two separate prayers and even the Salaf has also said the same. Question / Clarification: Some people say that this is statement of Hadhrat Umar Rdh. actually shows that Taraweeh and Tahajjud are both same and this is what he used to consider. Answer This saying is absolutely BAATIL and MURDOOD because it has been proven from the Salaf that Hadhrat Umar Rdh. use to look at Taraweeh and Tahajjud as two seperate prayers as mentioned above. Hadhrat Nanotwi Rh. says that "Tahajjud is something else and Taraweeh is something else. (Tasfiyatul Aqaaid : Page 4) In another book of his, he has discussed this issue in great length. Al Haq us Sareeh : Page 3-4. Mufti Rasheed Ahmed Gangohi Rh. says that Tahajjud Salaah and Salatul Taraweeh are both different prayers. (Ar-raayi un Najeeh : Page 2) Furthermore, Mufti Rasheed Ahmed Gangohi Rh. on Page : 10 discusses this issue in great length and proves that Tahajjud and Taraweeh and two separate prayers. Sheikh ul Hind Maulana Mehmood ul Hasan Rh. also states the Tahajjud and Taraweeh are both separate prayers. (Al Waarid ush Shazi : Page 105) There is not a single verse from the Salaf which hints or even utters something in the claim that both Taraweeh and Tahajjud are same and quotes the statement of Hadhrat Umar Rdh. 2 – Imam ul Muhaddiseen Imam Bukhari Rh. Al Mutawaffa 256 Hij.: When it used to be the first night of Ramadan, people used to gather at Imam Bukhari Rh. He used to lead the Taraweeh prayers and recite 20 verses of the Holy Quran until the Holy Quran was completed. Then at the time of Sahor pray (offer Tahajjud) in it read the Holy Quran from half till a little more or less until The Holy Quran was recited within three days and he used to finish one complete Holy Quran during the day time which use to end at the time of Iftar. After every completion of The Holy Quran, dua is accepted and he use to offer 13 rakaat (Tahajjud) before Sehri time which included 3 witr. (Taisirul Baari : Volume 1 : Page 11, Hadiyus Saari Li Ibn Hajar : Page 505) Question / Clarification Some people say that it is not proven by any Narrators (Sanad) that Imam Bukhari used to offer Tahajjud and Taraweeh separately and no chain of narrators is mentioned in Haadiyus Sari. Answer: This saying is also BAATIL and MURDOOD Imam Behaiqi Rh. in Shoaib ul Imaan Lil Behaiqi has mentioned the narrators of statement in Hadi us Saari and the Muhaqiq (researcher) of Shoaib ul Imaan clearly states that THERE IS NOTHING WRONG IN ITS CREDIBILITY. (Shoeib ul Imaan Lil Behaiqi : Volume 3 : Page 524-525, SAHEEH SANAD, Taarekh e Baghdad) 3 – Al Imam al Hafiz ul Muhaadis Abu Muhammed Asfahaani Rh. Al Mutawaffa 446 Hij.: Imam Abu Muhammed Asfahaani Rh. Al Mutawaffa 446 Hij. who was the Ustad (teacher) of Imam Khateeb al Baghdadi Rh., it is famous about him that he used to lead the Taraweeh and everyday after finishing taraweeh, he use to offer Tahajjud in the masjid until time for Fajar arrives. (Taarekh e Baghdad : Volume 10 : Page 143) Statement of the Salaf wa Fuqaaha wa Muhaddiseen : 4 – Imam Ibn Rushd Rh. Al Mutawaffa 598 Hij. says that ‘And no doubt, Taraweeh on which Umar bin Khattab Rdh. consolidated, we persuade for it but among Scholars there is difference of opinion on the matter if Taraweeh which is during the first part of the night and Tahajjud which is in the second part of the night is Afzal (Superior) which was the prayer of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W). The Majority (Jamhoor) believe that the prayer in the last part of the night is better. (Tahajjud)’. (Al Bidayatul Mujtahid : Volume 1 : Page 210) 5 – Imam Abu Muhammed Abdul Wahab as Sa’alabi al Baghdadi Rh. Al Mutawaffa 422 Hij. says that the person who is praying Taraveh or Tahajjud It is better for him that he offers Takbeer e Tehrima and Surah Fatiha, in between Sanah, Ta’awuz and Tasmiya through which........ (hard to translate) (At-Talqeen Lis Sa’alabi : Volume 1 : Page 44) Imam Sa’alabi Rh. Al Mutawaffa 422 Hij. also was of the view that Taraweeh and Tahajjud are two different Salaahs and separate. 6 – Imam Abu Ishaq Shairaazi Rh. Al Mutawaffa 476 Hij. says that in the month of Ramadan one should offer 20 Rakaat taraweeh and after that offer Witr with the Jamaat, if he wishes to offer Tahajjud then he should offer Witr after offering Tahajjud. (At-Tambeeh Lish Shairaazi : Volume 1 : Page 34) The same has been said with similar wordings by 7 – Imam Nawawi Rh. Al Mutawaffa 676 Hij. (Al Majmu Lin Nawawi : Volume 4 : Page 15) 8 – Imam Sharfuddin Musa bin Ahmed Al Maqdasi Rh. Al Mutawaffa 968 Hij. says the same as we have mentioned above. [The Shcolars have called him Sheikh ul Islaam, Imam, Allama, Muhaddis, Aalim, Mufti aur Muttaqi wa Faqi, etc etc Shuzraatuz Zehb : Jild 10 : Safa 472, Al Kawaakib Lin Najm uddin : Jild 3 : Safa 93, Al A’alaam Liz Zirkali : Jild 7 : Safa 320)] (Al Iqna’a Lil Maqdasi : Volume 1 : Page 147) 9 – Imam Ibn Qudaama Rh. Al Mutawaffa 620 Hij. says that then taraweeh is 20 rakaat, during Ramadan offer Taraweeh and Witr with Jamaat but the one who offers Tahajjud after Taraweeh should do his Witr after Tahajjud prayers. (Al Muqni : Page 58) 10 – Imam Ibn ul Haaj Rh. Al Mutawaffa 737 Hij. says that it is better for a person that he offers with the Jamaat, taraweeh and witr and then sleep for a while and then after he wakes up should offer Tahajjud. (Al Madkhal : Volume 2 : Page 292) 11 – Imam Ibn ul Mulaqqan Rh. Al Mutawaffa 804 Hij. also sees Tahajjud and taraweeh as two separate prayers (At-Tazkirah Li Ibn Mulaqqan : Volume 1 : Page 26) 12 – Al Imam us Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilaani Rh. Al Mutawaffa 561 Hij. says that there are two statements regarding Tahajjud after Taraweeh. a. One should sleep after Taraweeh and then offer Tahajjud salaah. b. Second is that Tahajjud is valid after Taraweeh without any sleep. (Ghunyatut Taalibeen : Page 269) Hence we learn that majority of the Salaf, Fuqaha wa Muhaddisseen agree that and state the Taraweeh and Tahajjud are two seperate prayers. We did not find any statement from the Salaf which states otherwise and according to our ILM none does exist which states so. In the end lets look at what Imam Ibrahim Nakh’ii Rh. Al Mutawaffa 96 Hij. states on this: He states that "Some people were offering (Taraweeh) prayer behind the Imam in the masjid and some were offering Tahajjud in another corner of the masjid." (Musannaf Ibn Abi Shayba : Volume 5 : Page 234, SAHEEH SANAD) NOTE: In this narration Imam A’mash Mudallis is present and indeed he is acceptable because he was the Mudalis of Tabqaat e Saaniye. For reference please look at (Al Mudalliseen Lil Iraaqi : Volume 1 : Page 109) In another narration you will find Mughera bin Miqsam Rh. has mentioned Imam A’mash Rh. حَدَّثَنَا أَبُو بَكْرٍ قَالَ: ثنا أَبُو الْأَحْوَصِ، عَنْ مُغِيرَةَ، عَنْ إِبْرَاهِيمَ، قَالَ: «كَانَ الْمُتَهَجِّدُونَ يُصَلُّونَ فِي جَانِبِ الْمَسْجِدِ، وَالْإِمَامُ يُصَلِّي بِالنَّاسِ فِي شَهْرِ رَمَضَانَ» SANAD (CHAIN OF NARRATORS) : Imam Abubakr Ibn Abi Shaiba Rh. »»► Abul Ahwas Rh. »»►Mughera Rh. »»► Ibrahim Nakh’ii Rh. (Musannaf Ibn Abi Shayba : Volume 5 : Page 233-234, Hadith No 2063) So this narration is also correct which shows that Taraweeh and Tahajjud are both seperate prayers and even at the time of Hadhrat Ibrahim Nakh’ii Rh. Al Mutawaffa 96 Hij. it was considered separate from one another.
May Allah guide all of us towards the right path and bless us with the correct understanding of the deen. Ameen
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AuthorTalib E Ilm Archives
August 2015
CategoriesAll 15th Of Shabaan Islamophobia Poems Projects Ramadan Salaah Taraweeh Tasbeeh |