3/22/2013 0 Comments I Only Pray Fard SalaahIn this day and age, the Sunnah has become one of the most misunderstood paradigms of our Deen , because we've come to think that the Sunnah is something that can be jettisoned from the Deen - that the sunnah is something heavy that needs to be removed from the deen to make the deen light and nimble and flexible. But it's actually totally the opposite. If a person truly desires a connection with Allah, then the only way that connection can occur is through the Sunnah of Rasoolullah S.A.W
This is very important for people who are striving in the deen to comprehend. We will not approach Allah by removing the Sunnahs from our life . It has been the habit of the pious predecessors before us and the pious that will come after us to seek out every Sunnah that they can find.. The command of Allah is "Ateeullah war rasool---Obey Allah and His Messenger". In this day and age, we have a classification of our legal system, so we say that "This act is fardh, this act is waajib, this act is sunnah muakkadah, this act is sunnah ghair muakkadah, this act is nafl, this act is mustahab.....etc etc.". However, the Companions (radiyallahu anhum) didn't make any distinction between fardh and Sunnah. Whatever they saw the Prophet S.A.W do, they did and whatever he told them to do, they did. There was no distinction at that time that "Oh this is fardh and this is a Sunnah" If it came from Rasoolullah S.A.W it was to be done. Period. They made no distinctions.
3/17/2013 1 Comment Sri Lankan Muslims Under AttackReceived this in an email from a brother and worth sharing with all of you.
Dear brothers and sisters in Islam, Assalam o alaikum, This is a call from Sri Lanka that I am making on behalf of Muslims here. Buddhists fanatics are enjoying the full freedom in Sri Lanka in order to attack Muslims' freedom to practice Islam. This has been going on ever since Sri Lanka has won the war against LTTE, which was largely supported by Muslim nations. Many Sri Lankan Muslims have borne sacrifices through out 30 year long war. Government of Sri Lanka has not been been active in dealing with extremist Buddhist groups. These groups have been creating minor incidences like throwing stones on masjids, harbouring hate through social media (like Myanmar), collecting weapons and explosives like C4 (more powerful than RDX), agitating in front of masjids, Muslim business etc. They have been trying to cause a full scale riot in Sri Lanka to initiate very large-scale massacre of Muslims. They have been holding anti-Muslim campaign at macro (cities and towns) and micro (small group talks in all around the nation) levels. This all is because these groups witness Muslims number being increased faster than Buddhists, and Muslims have been improving in devotion to Islam. At the background Israeli has been funding these groups through Norway; prominent politicians and intellectuals claim this. These groups have been visiting anti-Muslims extremist groups in Myanmar, and India. Government of Sri Lanka is taking dual stand, one side they show that they are maintaining law and order and they are committed to peace. On the other side, Defence Secretary (who holds 80% powers in Sri Lanka) has been the chief guest for the opening event of Bodu Balasena (the group taking lead against Muslims) Please initiate some kind of campaigns that casts tremendous pressure on the government of Sri Lanka do so that such fanatic groups lose the ground. In Sri Lanka, we have been trying our best to defuse the tension, and working with authorities. Please stand for the Muslims of Sri Lanka, or else you might see another Myanmar like massacre of Muslims here. Please do following: 1. Try to publish articles against such hate campaigns 2. Channel politically to mount pressure from your countries 3. Write petitions from your place against this and send it to UNHRC (UN Human Right Commission) 4. Do at least something that makes sense 5. Make sure that we don't harbour hate against hate Bibliography:
Wa salam, Your brother in Islam Bodhu Bala Sena Begins New Campaign Against Attire of Muslim Women in Sri Lanka After Abolishing Halal Logos Muslims in Kandy Anxious as Bodhu Bala Sena Gears up for Massive Anti-Muslim Rally on Sunday March 17th. May Allah protect our brothers & sisters in Sri Lanka. Ameen Imam Abu Hanifa says "When a hadeeth is found to be saheeh, then that is my madhhab." "When you find in my kitaab anything contradicting the Sunnah of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) then say (i.e. command) the Sunnah of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) and leave aside my statement." (Imaam Shaafi) Commenting on these statements, Imaam Nawawi (rahmatullah alayh) says: "This which Imaam Shaafi has said does not mean that everyone who sees a Saheeh Hadith should say: 'This is the Math-hab of Shaafi, thus practising on the zaahir (text/external or apparent meaning) of the Hadith. This most certainly applies to only such a person who has the rank of Ijtihaad in the Math-hab. It is a condition that he overwhelmingly believes that Imaam Shaafi was unaware of this Hadith or he was unaware of its authenticity. And this is possible only after having made a research of all the books of Shaafi and similar other books of the Ashaab of Shaafi, those who take (knowledge) from him, and others similar to these (books). This is indeed a difficult condition (to fulfil). Few are there who measure up to this (standard).
What we have explained has been made conditional because Imaam Shaafi had abandoned acting on the zaahir (text) of many Ahadith which he saw and knew. However by him was established proof for criticism in the Hadith or its abrogation or its specific circumstance or its interpretation, etc. (hence he was constrained to leave aside the hadith)." (I'laaus Sunan, Vol. 2, page 225) 3/10/2013 0 Comments Success in LifeWhen one thinks of success in this life, they usually conjure the image of big houses, fine jewelry and clothing, and expensive cars; financial stability is seen to be the key to a happy life. To most people, success is inseparably related to wealth, even though this is the furthest from the truth. How many times have we seen the wealthiest of people living such miserable lives, that it sometimes even leads them to commit suicide! Wealth is something which humans in their very nature desire at any cost, and this desire has been created for a great and wise purpose. When this desire is not satiated, it causes some extent of grief in a person. Allah says: “And when you look there (in Paradise) you will see a delight (that cannot be imagined), and a great dominion.” (Quran 76:20) The Prophet (Peace be upon him) told us about the characteristics of the palaces of Some of his wives and companions. Al-Bukhâri and Muslim report that Abû Hurayrah (May Allah be pleased with him) said: "Jibrîl came to the Prophet (Peace be upon him) and said, "O Messenger of Allâh, Khadîjah is coming, carrying a container of food. When she comes to you, convey to her greetings of peace from her God and from me, and give her the glad tidings of a house in Paradise made of brocade, in which there is no noise or exhaustion."" [Mishkât al-Masâbîh, 3/266] 3/10/2013 1 Comment What is Happening in Pakistan?As Salaam Ulaikum Wr Wb A lot of people these days seem to ask me - Brother What is happening in Pakistan? Why is it that Pakistan is in the news all the time? Floods, Earth Quake, Bomb Blasts, etc everything seems to be striking one after another. My simple answer is: Corruption has appeared throughout the land and sea by [reason of] what the hands of people have earned so He may let them taste part of [the consequence of] what they have done that perhaps they will return [to righteousness]. (Surah Al Rum - 41) Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and strive upon earth [to cause] corruption is none but that they be killed or crucified or that their hands and feet be cut off from opposite sides or that they be exiled from the land. That is for them a disgrace in this world; and for them in the Hereafter is a great punishment, (Surah Al Mai`dah - 33) |
AuthorTalib E Ilm Archives
August 2015
CategoriesAll 15th Of Shabaan Islamophobia Poems Projects Ramadan Salaah Taraweeh Tasbeeh |